Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

We've now been home just over week and things are going very well.

Isayas is doing great compared to what we were dealing with in Addis. While we are having daily tantrums, they are trending towards shorter and shorter. This past week was a little tougher on me, as I had to go to work for most of the week, so I got to spend less time at home. Because of this. Isayas didn't appreciate me much when I had to discipline. But with this long weekend, I've been able to stave off several full-blown tantrums.

We have gotten Joshua Molla on a schedule now, which is helping us with timing of trips out of the house and sleeping time at night. He gets up an average of 2 times a night, and sleeps usually until 5:30-6:00am, which is great, considering that just last week, he was getting up every hour and a half and staying up. We have also been forced to switch to a special formula to help Joshua with some bacteria issues. Unfortunately, it's the most expensive formula on the market, but our baby is worth every dime!

Chloe and Maya are just loving their new brothers. They always want to hold and take care of Joshua. Maya and Isayas get along really well, even rough-housing a little! Chloe and Isayas still have feelers out for each other, not quite sure of their roles yet, but they have their moments. All in all, the family is definitely gel-ing.

Christmas went great! We even traveled more than we thought, heading out to Emilee's uncle's house in White Bear Lake on Christmas Eve and then Emilee's parent's house on Christmas morning way out in Watertown. But the kids all did so well! They were in kid heaven, loving all the presents and good food! I think that Isayas now has about 3,500 cars, trucks, and trains (oh, and 1 motorcycle).

Em's mom got the weekend off for Christmas, so we have been doing this all alone, and we are doing quite well, I think. I can't wait for her to show up on Tuesday though. SLEEP!!!! Whoo hooo! Thanks Mom!

All right. Time for bed now. Thanks for checking in!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates! Your family is so precious. Shaya loves to look at the pictures on your blog and continues to say, "Isayas again"! She shows all who come to our house, your blog.
Enjoy those dolls and cars. I am having to go out to purchase new toyboxes today!

Anonymous said...

Merry (belated) Christmas to all of you! I love the new pictures. I am so glad that you are all able to get out and about so well! Let us know whenever you are ready for a field trip to the Reader household. (We have lots of cars/trucks here, too. :) )

Angela :-) said...

What kind of vehicle are the kids in? I'm loving the three seats across the middle.

Angela :-)

Emilee and Mario said...

It's a Chevy Venture...sweetest minivan on the road ;)

It's very nice. We bought it last year in preparation for our adoption, and we love it.

And we thought that Isayas would have a real hard time getting buckled in, but he's done great!