Friday, December 08, 2006

12/8/2006 12:26 PM

Today was another day of driving around Addis, trying to get the paperwork finalized before the weekend, so that things are on track for next week. First stop was a doctor’s office, where the boy’s got weighed and examined in about 5 minutes. The doctor signed off on them and we ran back downstairs to the car to head to the American Embassy.

Once there, we had to walk about 3 blocks to get to the entrance, as the street was closed for some reason. We here then frisked for fire arms again and then we walked up to the window to explain why we were there? When asked for our passports, we unfortunately did not have them, as the “lawyer” told us that we shouldn’t need them. So he had to bring the boys in one at a time, so that they could get their blood drawn. I felt so sad for Isayas, as we could see him through a door, sitting by himself while waiting for his turn. He was so brave. He was also so full of water, that he made the “I have to pee right now” face! But he came out a champ, with a smile on his face and a band-aid on his arm. Molla’s turn was worse, as he cried and cried. It seemed like it was taking forever for them to draw some blood!

So that was the last of the run-around until we head to the Embassy next Tuesday. Looks like everything is still in place for us to leave next Saturday.

Isayas may have a UTI. Going to the bathroom hurts, so he and Em went to the doctor right before lunch, but the doctor’s were all on lunch, so they came home, frustrated and very hungry. I then took Isayas later in the day, and he had labwork done. It looks like we may need to get some medicine for him.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Isayas got his head shaved yesterday, as he has ringworm. We thought that he just had a few on his head, but after a nurse shaved it with an actual straight-edge razor blade, he saw that his whole head was covered. He also has some on his face and arm (FYI, ringworm has nothing to do with worms. It is a fungal infection. I mention this because we will most likely get it too….so don’t be alarmed.) A little Lotrimen will take care of that.

All the families left tonight, on their way back home to start their new life with their new children. It was a hard day for Em and I. We got very home sick, and a little down with the thought that we had another 8 days to go. But God has us here for a reason, and we just prayed that He would open our eyes to His calling.

Well, Em and the boys are sleeping right now. They are exhausted and went to bed early. Not sure what are going to do this weekend. We are basically just waiting around until next Saturday, so we pray that we can keep the kids occupied in a country where we have no car, house, or toys. We think we'll be heading over to a large park outside the Hilton tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys-
So glad to read that Molla is feeling better. It's always such a relief when you know you are on the right track with medicine/treatment, etc. I will be praying that Issays' ring worm will heal up quickly.
The boys are adorable. I especially like the picture of all four of you together. I can imagine how frustrating it is to be there for another week for no obvious purpose, but, as you said, God has a reason for you to be there next week so hopefully you can have joy knowing that He's there for another week with you.
We are looking forward to your return!

Anonymous said...

bonjour! how are you? sounds like the boys are more brave than i would be with the shots. im glad to hear everything is going well and you dont need to me to translate! i love reading your blogs while i procrastinate homework. the boys are gorgeous. love you guys and i am excited to see you around christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mario & Emilee,
Im so happy to hear about Molla feeling better! I had to use soy formula with Sam and Josh. It is amazing to see the differnce. I will continue to pray for him. And with Issay's "strong will". It's got to be hard for all of you. Such a big change in your lives. God has a plan. We cant wait to meet the boys!
Bless you!
Becca & Brandon

Hoffbeauty said...

Hi, Mario and Emilee! Sarah from the forum (& Milwaukee) here! I have LOVED reading your updates everyday. I check before going to bed and then pray for you...thanks for keeping us posted on all that's happening there!

Do you want to go to church with our Ethiopian friends there? I can get you their info....I'm sure they'd love to meet you and take you with them! Email or PM me, and I'll get you their info, ok?

love, sarah :)