Friday, February 23, 2007

The Blizzard of the Century is Coming!

Hi to all!

I thought I would update on our week as Mario is out getting snowpants for the grownups at our house. We are forecasted to get over ten inches in the next two days. I am glad it is on the weekend so my sweetheart won't be stuck in the traffic that would follow.

Andy's friend parents (the Feldman's) dropped off beatiful bunkbeds for us earlier this week. They really connected with the kiddos, because they also have two boys and two girls. Well, anyways they dropped off-not 15 minutes ago, the cutest bicycle. It is a sturdy little 'John Deere" bicycle and brand new so the kids are going to ride it all through the house during the blizzard. Now they are happily watching "Free Willy 2" also from the Feldman's. Thanks, guys--family night would have been a repeat without ya!

This was a difficult week for me. I was such a 'girl'. Very emotional and for no apparent reason. I did get to tour the local Catholic school and visit a friend in the hospital (thanks, Nana Deb), my mom came back for 24 hours after two weeks of absesnces. Thanks, Mom. My cousin Elizabeth and her family were the highlight of my week, stopping by Thursday, with love, acceptance, and friendship. That was such a blessing. Amidst all the highlights, I really felt like my head was not attached this week. So I apoligize if I messed up and forgot someone's birthday or hurt feelings. I started doing yoga again and am hoping to feel more centered this coming week.

Pray for my sis and her boys, they were in a moderate car accident and are doing fine, but pretty shook up. Pray that they would have peace and that God would provide for their needs.

I hope that everyone in the frozen tundra with us, stays warm and safe. I am now going to patiently wait for Mario to get back with my snowpants and a decaf latte.

love-from Emilee

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